1 : Universitet : University
Description:Universities and university colleges have three main missions: to educate, to conduct research and to collaborate with society. Higher education institutions are also to promote the utilisation of research results. Most Swedish higher education institutions are publicly operated.
2 : Högskola : University College
Description:The difference between a university and a university college is primarily that universities do not need to apply for degree-awarding powers to the same extent as university colleges.
3 : Enskilda utbildningsanordnare : Independent education providers
Description:An independent higher education provider is a private higher education institution operated by organisations, such as foundations or associations. Most independent higher education providers offer only courses within one or a few fields. They are primarily concerned with health, psychotherapy or theological education. Independent higher education providers receive degree-awarding powers from the Government. Public higher education institutions receive degree-awarding powers from the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ).
Pre-Higher Education System
Pre-Primary : Förskoleklass
Length of program:1
Age level from:6
Age level to:7
Basic : Grundskola
Length of program:9
Age level from:7
Age level to:16
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Slutbetyg från grundskola (School leaving certificate)
Upper Secondary : Folkhögskola (Folk high school)
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Intyg för behörighet till högskolestudier och yrkeshögskolestudier (Certificate - eligibility for higher education and higher vocational education)
Upper Secondary : Kommunal vuxenutbildning Komvux (Municipal adult school)
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Högskoleförberedande examen; Yrkesexamen; Slutbetyg (to be phased out by 2020)
Upper Secondary : Gymnasium
Length of program:3
Age level from:16
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Högskoleförberedande examen (Higher education preparatory diploma); Yrkesexamen (Vocational diploma). Former structure (for studies started before July 2011): Slutbetyg (Final school grades)
Basic education comprises a pre-school year (Förskoleklass) and nine years of compulsory school (Grundskola). As from 2018 the pre-school year for children six years of age is also compulsory. Compulsory school also includes Sami school, compulsory special needs school and compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities.
Compulsory schooling is followed by upper secondary education (Gymnasiekola). A reform of upper secondary school was introduced on 1 July 2011.
In the new structure there are 6 national programmes leading to the Higher education preparatory diploma and 12 national programmes leading to Vocational diploma. All programmes are three years in duration.
Specific requirements for access to Higher education preparatory programmes are passing grades in Swedish or Swedish as a second language, English, Mathematics and 9 other compulsory school subjects (the required combination of subjects vary according to programme).
Higher education preparatory programmes lead to Högskoleförberedande examen (Higher education preparatory diploma).
Requirements for the Higher education preparatory diploma are a total of 2 500 credits, of which passing grades provide 2 250 credits (90%).
The following courses are always required (with passing grade): Swedish or Swedish as a second language 1, 2 and 3, English 5 and 6, Mathematics 1b or 1c, a pass in the diploma project.
Specific requirements for access to vocational programmes are passing grades in Swedish or Swedish as a second language, English, Mathematics and 5 other compulsory school subjects.
Vocational programmes lead to Yrkesexamen (Vocational diploma). Requirements for the Vocational diploma are a total of 2 500 credits, of which passing grades provide 2 250 credits (90%).
The following courses are required (with passing grade): Swedish or Swedish as a second language 1, English 5, Mathematics 1a, foundation courses of 400 credits, a pass in the diploma project.
Higher Education System
The Swedish system includes not only traditional university studies, but also teacher training, health care training, technical training, etc. It is the responsibility of the central government, regional authorities, and private interests. All higher education institutions fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education except for the University of Agricultural Sciences (Ministry of Agriculture).
The Swedish Higher Education Authority is responsible for quality evaluation of higher education. The objectives of The Swedish Higher Education Authority reviews are to assess the performance of the study programmes and contribute to the work of HEIs with quality improvement in higher education and research. The present quality assurance system for higher education, which the Government tasked UKÄ to develop, consists of the following four components: programme evaluations, institutional reviews of the HEI´s quality assurance processes, appraisal of applications for degree-awarding powers and thematic evaluations. The reviews are ongoing between 2017 and 2022.
Higher education studies are divided into three levels corresponding to the structure of degrees according to the Bologna process. Each level requires and is based upon completion of the programme at the previous level(s). All qualifications and courses are incorporated into this structure. Sweden has also implemented a system of higher education credits (högskolepoäng): a normal 40 week academic year corresponding to 60 higher education credits.
For each degree there is a description of the expected learning outcomes laid down in the Higher Education Ordinance. These state what students are expected to be able to do; understand; relate to or perform for the award of a specific qualification. A degree project is required for all qualifications awarded at first and second levels.
According to transitional provisions, students who began a programme before 1 July 2007 are entitled to complete their studies for the award of a qualification according to the earlier provisions until the end of June 2015.
A Diploma Supplement has been automatically issued in English with every degree since 1 January 2003 (1 July 2007 for third level degrees).
Lag (2009:128) om yrkeshögskolan / Act on Higher Vocational Education (2009)
Description:Yrkeshögskolan is a form of higher education that combines hands-on experiences with theoretical knowledge.
Förordning (2007:1164) för Försvarshögskolan / Ordinance for the Swedish Defence University Swedish Code of Statutes (SFS) No. 2007:1164 (2007)
Description:Swedish National Defence College
Högskoleförordning (1993:100) / Act on Amendment of the Higher Education Act (2013:1117) (1993)
Description:The Higher Education Ordinance contains regulations that supplement or clarify the provisions contained in the Higher Education Act (1992:1434).
Högskolelag (1992:1434) / Higher Education Act (1993)
Description:The Higher Education Act contains provisions about the higher education institutions that are accountable to the government, local authorities or county council
Förordning (1993:221) för Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Ordinance for the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish Code of Statutes (SFS) (1993)
Description:Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Lag (1993:792) om tillstånd att utfärda vissa examina / Act concerning authority to award certain qualifications Swedish Code of Statutes (SFS) No. 1993:792 (1993)
Description:Private higher education
Swedish, English
Non-university level : Yrkeshögskoleexamen / Kvalificerad yrkeshögskoleexamen / (Advanced) Post-secondary vocational education diploma
Description:Vocational/Technical Non-University Level Qualification 3 years or less Post-secondary vocational education diploma: A post-secondary vocational education diploma covers at least 1 year of full-time study. Advanced post-secondary vocational education diploma: An advanced post-secondary vocational education diploma covers at least 2 years of full-time study, with at least 25% of the time being spent in work-integrated learning.
University level first stage : Undergraduate studies
Description:Högskoleexamen / Higher Education Diploma is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 120 credits with a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself. It is awarded by all universities and institutions of higher education. There are general qualifications and qualifications in the fine, applied and performing arts. Kandidatexamen / Degree of Bachelor/Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 180 credits in a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which 90 credits are for progressively specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the programme. A requirement for the award of a Degree of Bachelor is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) for at least 15 credits in the main field of study. Level SeQF 6/EQF 6. There are 32 different first-cycle professional qualifications, for example Bachelor of Science in Nursing (180 HE credits), with range in scope from 60 to 210 HE credits.
University level second stage : Postgraduate studies
Description:Magisterexamen / Degree of Master (60 credits) is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 60 credits with a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which at least 30 credits are for specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the study programme. In addition the prior award of a Degree of Bachelor, a Degree of Bachelorf Fine Arts, a professional or vocational qualification of at least 180 credits or a corresponding qualification from abroad is required. Masterexamen / Degree of Master (120 credits) is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 120 credits with a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which at least 60 credits are for specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the study programme. In addition the prior award of a Degree of Bachelor, a Degree of Bachelorine Arts, a professional or vocational qualification of at least 180 credits or a corresponding qualification from abroad is required. A requirement for the award of a Degree of Master (120 credits) is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) for at least 30 credits in the main field of study. There are 22 different second-cycle professional qualifications, for example Master of Architecture (300 HE credits), Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery (90 HE credits) and master of Science in Medicine (330 HE credits).
University level third stage : Research and Doctoral Studies
Description:There are two degrees in postgraduate studies: the degree of licentiate and the degree of doctor. The degree of licentiate includes two years of full-time study, 120 credits. A thesis of at least 60 credits is included in the qualification. This is the highest education qualification in Sweden. Studies for the doctorate degree take a minimum of four years' full-time (240 credits) beyond completion of a degree. Doctoral studies consist of seminars, reading and methodology courses, individual literature surveys and independent research. The education includes a dissertation of at least 120 credits to be published and presented in a public defence.The thesis must describe and account for organization and results of research.
IT-supported higher education distance courses are offered by various higher education institutions in Sweden.
Linnaeus-Palme: exchange programme in which Swedish universities cooperate with universities in developing countries
Erasmus+ is an exchange programme that gives the chance to go on a placement at a company or organisation in another European country
Nordplus Higher Education Programme: mobility and network programme at bachelor and master levels, for the Nordic and Baltic countries
Role:The Ministry of Education and Research is responsible for the Government’s education, research and youth policy. The Ministry works on issues including school performance, conditions for teachers, study financing and living conditions for young people.
Street:Herkulesgatan 17
PostCode:SE 103 33
Contacts:- Anna Ekström (Head), Job title : Minister
- Samuel Engblom (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : State Secretary for Higher Education, Research and Space Issues
Universitetskanslersämbetet - UKÄ
Role:UKÄ evaluates the quality of higher education and research, analyses the development, is responsible for official statistics about higher education and monitors compliance with laws and regulations among universities and university colleges.
Street:Hammarbybacken 31 Box 7703
PostCode:SE 121 06
Contacts:Anders Söderholm (Head), Job title : Director-General
Sveriges Universitet och Högskoleförbund - SUHF
Role:The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions was founded in 1995 as an organisation for institutional cooperation on a voluntary basis. 37 universities and university colleges in Sweden are members (16 universities, 17 university colleges and 4 university art colleges).
Street:Tryckerigatan 8
PostCode:SE 113 28
Tel:+46(8) 321-388
Fax:+46(8) 329-370
Contacts:- Astrid Söderbergh Widding (Head), Job title : Chair
- Marita Hilliges (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Universitets- och Högskolerådet - UHR
Role:The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) is a Swedish government agency with many different tasks in the education sector, which includes coordinating admissions to higher education, providing information and supports for future students, evaluation of foreign higher education qualifications and brokering international exchanges. The Swedish Council for Higher Education also receives tasks from the Government and the Ministry of Education and Research on an ongoing basis.
Street:Box 45093
PostCode:SE 104 30
Tel:+46(10) 470-0300
Contacts:Eino Örnfeldt (Head), Job title : Director-General
Universitets- och Högskolerådet - UHR
Role:The Department of Qualifications Recognition at UHR is Sweden’s ENIC-NARIC office. Our tasks include providing information about recognition and which organisation to contact if you wish to work in a regulated profession.
Services provided and types of students dealt with:The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) is a Swedish government agency with many different tasks in the education sector, which includes coordinating admissions to higher education, providing information and supports for future students, evaluation of foreign higher education qualifications and brokering international exchanges. The Swedish Council for Higher Education also receives tasks from the Government and the Ministry of Education and Research on an ongoing basis.
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:Box 45093
PostCode:SE 104 30
Tel:+46(10) 470-0300
Contacts:Lars Petersson (Head), Job title : Head of Department for Qualifications Recognition
Role:The Swedish Institute is a public agency that promotes interest and trust in Sweden around the world. It works in the fields of culture, education, science and business to strengthen international relations and development. The study information portal Studyinsweden.se is built and maintained by the Swedish Institute.
Street:Box 7434 Slottsbacken 10
PostCode:111 30
Tel:+46(8) 453-7800
Contacts:Madeleine Sjöstedt (Head), Job title : Director-General
Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer - SFS
Role:The Swedish National Union of Students (SFS) was founded in 1921 and is the collective student voice in Sweden. SFS organises 47 student unions at universities and places of higher education throughout Sweden. Together these represent approximately 275 000 students and Phd-students. SFS' main task is to represent and promote the members' interests in education, research and student welfare issues at the national level. Through its participation in the European Students' Union (ESU) SFS also represents its members and Swedish students in the international arena.
Street:Åsögatan 140
PostCode:SE 116 24
Contacts:Linn Svärd (Head), Job title : President
Street:Slottsbacken 10
PostCode:111 30
Tel:+46(8) 4537-800
Contacts:Madeleine Sjöstedt (Head), Job title : Director-General
Universitets- och Högskolerådet - UHR
Role:International cooperation and mobility: UHR works to improve standards in Swedish education by providing people with opportunities for participation in international exchanges and cooperation. Via UHR’s programmes, schools, higher education institutions, vocational and adult education programmes and others are able to apply for funding for projects conducted in partnership with other countries. Teachers, students and pupils are examples of groups which may participate in exchanges. UHR also offers opportunities for work exchanges for state employees and preparation for work and traineeships at EU institutions.
Street:Box 45093
PostCode:SE 104 30
Tel:+46(10) 470-0300
Contacts:Maria Linna Angestav (International Relations Officer), Job title : Head for the Department for International Cooperation
Admission to Higher Education
Högskoleförberedande examen
Requirement for:higher vocational education programme
Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola
Requirement for:higher vocational education programme
Högskoleförberedande examen
Requirement for:University
Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola
Minimum mark:2 500 credits, of which passing grades (G) provide 2 250 credits (90%). The following courses are always required (with passing grade): Swedish or Swedish as a second language A and B, English A and Mathematics A.
Requirement for:University/University College
Minimum mark:It is indicated on the vocational diploma if the general eligibility requirements are fulfilled. Otherwise it must be supplemented with passing grades in upper secondary school courses Swedish, or Swedish as a second language 2 and 3, and English 6
Requirement for:University
Validation of prior learning.
Most courses and study programmes have specific entry requirements in addition to the general requirements
Admission Requirements:Completed upper secondary education corresponding to a Swedish preparatory qualification for higher education from an upper-secondary school programme and giving access to higher education in country of study. Language requirements in Swedish and English. Requirement in mathematics. Specific requirements according to programme. Requirements for programmes and courses can be found on www.universityadmissions.se
Entry Regulations:Yes. Applications to online on www.universityadmissions.se
Recognition of Studies
The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) / Enic-Naric Sweden evaluates foreign qualifications in order to provide support for people looking for work in Sweden, people who wish to continue studying, or for employers who wish to employ someone with foreign qualifications. The education programme must have been completed with a degree or final school grades.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:Established by higher education institutions.
For the Exercise of a Profession:Some professions are regulated according to Swedish law, which means that it is necessary to have specific certification or authorisation to work in that profession. Competent authorities: The Swedish Board of Agriculture for studies in veterinary medicine (http://www.jordbruksverket.se). For information on other competent authorities please see https://www.uhr.se/en/start/recognition-of-foreign-qualifications/before-you-apply/i-want-to-work-in-sweden/regulated-professions/Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. Paris, 25 November 2019. (2022)
Council of Europe Convention/European Agreement on Continued Payment of Scholarships to Students Studying Abroad (1969)
Council of Europe Convention/Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (The Lisbon Recognition Convention) (2001)
Nordic Declaration/Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education (The Reykjavik Declaration), revised 2016 (2004)
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
Details:Students from Scandinavian countries: same benefits as Swedish citizens. EU students: if the European health insurance card has not yet been issued in the country of the EU student, he/she will have to fill in form E111 or E128 if he/she is planning to stay less than 3 months. All students staying more than one year may benefit from reduced costs for medical care.
National contact point for cross-border healthcare: Försäkringskassan / The Swedish Social Insurance Agency
E-mail: kundcenter@forsakringskassan.se
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Foreign Students - Min Tuition Fees:80000 Swedish Krona
Foreign Students - Max Tuition Fees:270000 Swedish KronaUniversity Admissions in Sweden
Publisher:University Admissions in Sweden, together with Sweden's universities
Year of publication:2018
Study in Sweden. A guide for foreign students (http://www.studyinsweden.se)
Author:The Swedish Institute
Publisher:The Swedish Institute
Year of publication:2018
Högskoleförberedande examen
Description:Higher education preparatory diploma from the new structure of upper secondary school introduced on 1 July 2011, and awarded since 2014. Six national programmes leading to the Higher education preparatory diploma and 12 national programmes leading to a vocational diploma. All programmes are three years (2500 credits) in duration.
Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola
Description:School leaving certificate (pre 2013) for the former structure of upper secondary education. Seventeen national study programmes, and all programmes last for 3 years
Description:New structure of upper secondary school introduced on 1 July 2011 offers the Vocational diploma since 2014. Six national programmes leading to the Higher education preparatory diploma and 12 national programmes leading to a vocational diploma. All programmes are three years (2500 credits) in duration.
Yrkeshögskoleexamen / Kvalificerad yrkeshögskoleexamen / (Advanced) Post-secondary vocational education diploma
Description:Post-secondary vocational education diploma: A post-secondary vocational education diploma covers at least 1 year of full-time study. Advanced post-secondary vocational education diploma: An advanced post-secondary vocational education diploma covers at least 2 years of full-time study, with at least 25% of the time being spent in work-integrated learning.
Högskoleexamen / Konstnärlig högskoleexamen
Description:The Higher Education Diploma is awarded after the student has completed courses required to gain 120 credits with a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself. It is awarded by all universities and institutions of higher education. There are general qualifications and qualifications in the fine, applied and performing arts.
Credential required for entry:Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Högskola (University College)
Kandidatexamen (Degree of Bachelor) / Konstnärlig kandidatexamen (Degree of Bachelor in Fine Arts)
Description:A Degree of Bachelor/Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts is awarded after the student has completed courses required to gain 180 credits in a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which 90 credits are for progressively specialised study in the main field of study of the programme. A requirement for the award of a Degree of Bachelor is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) for at least 15 credits in the main field of study. Level SeQF 6/EQF 6.
Credential required for entry:Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Högskola (University College)
Yrkesexamen (First cycle professional qualification)
Description:There are 32 different first-cycle professional qualifications, for example Bachelor of Science in Nursing (180 HE credits), with range in scope from 60 to 210 HE credits.
Credential required for entry:Slutbetyg Från Gymnasieskola
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Högskola (University College)
Magisterexamen (Degree of Master) / Konstnärlig magisterexamen (Degree of Master in Fine Arts)
Description:A Degree of Master (60 credits) is awarded after the student has completed courses required to gain 60 credits with a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which at least 30 credits are for specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the study programme. In addition the prior award of a Degree of Bachelor, a Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts, a professional or vocational qualification of at least 180 credits or a corresponding qualification from abroad is required.
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Högskola (University College)
Masterexamen (Degree of Master) / Konstnärlig masterexamen (Degree of Master in Fine Arts)
Description:A Degree of Master (120 credits) is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 120 credits with a defined specialisation determined by each higher education institution itself, of which at least 60 credits are for specialised study in the principal field (main field of study) of the study programme. In addition the prior award of a Degree of Bachelor, a Degree of Bachelor in Arts, a professional or vocational qualification of at least 180 credits or a corresponding qualification from abroad is required. A requirement for the award of a Degree of Master (120 credits) is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) for at least 30 credits in the main field of study.
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Högskola (University College)
Yrkesexamen (Second cycle professional qualification)
Description:There are 22 different second-cycle professional qualifications (60-330 credits), for example Master of Architecture (300 HE credits), Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery (90 HE credits) and Master of Science in Medicine (330 HE credits).
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Description:There are two degrees within postgraduate studies: the degree of Licentiate and the degree of Doctor. The Licentiate includes two years of full-time study, 120 credits. A thesis of at least 60 credits is included in the qualification.
Credential required for entry:Yrkesexamen (First cycle professional qualification)
Kandidatexamen (Degree of Bachelor) / Konstnärlig kandidatexamen (Degree of Bachelor in Fine Arts)
Masterexamen (Degree of Master) / Konstnärlig masterexamen (Degree of Master in Fine Arts)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Högskola (University College)
Description:The Degree of Doctor is the highest education qualification in Sweden. Studies take a minimum of four years' full-time (240 credits) beyond completion of a degree. Doctoral studies consist of seminars, reading and methodology courses, individual literature surveys and independent research. The education includes a dissertation of at least 120 credits to be published and presented in a public defence. The thesis must describe and account for organization and results of research.
Credential required for entry:Yrkesexamen (First cycle professional qualification)
Kandidatexamen (Degree of Bachelor) / Konstnärlig kandidatexamen (Degree of Bachelor in Fine Arts)
Masterexamen (Degree of Master) / Konstnärlig masterexamen (Degree of Master in Fine Arts)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universitet (University)
Högskola (University College)
Data Provided by
IAU from ENIC-NARIC Sweden, Swedish Council for Higher Education, Stockholm, November 2018. Bodies updated July 2022.
Updated on 07-12-2018