1 : Uniwersytet : University
2 : Akademia : Academy
3 : Instytut : Institute
4 : Konservatoria : Conservatoire
5 : Koledge : College
Pre-Higher Education System
Elementary : Elementary School
Length of program:4
Age level from:6
Age level to:10
Lower Secondary : Lower Secondary (Osnowna Serednia Shkola)
Length of program:5
Age level from:10
Age level to:15
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Swidoctwo Pro Nepownu Seredniu Oswitu/Lower Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Upper Secondary : Upper Secondary School (Starsha Serednia Shkola)
Length of program:2
Age level from:15
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate
Upper Secondary : Upper Secondary Special School (Licei)
Length of program:2
Age level from:15
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate
Special Education : Upper Secondary Special School (Gimnazia)
Length of program:3
Age level from:15
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate
Vocational : Vocational School (Profesijno-Tecnichne Uchylyshche)
Length of program:5
Age level from:15
Age level to:20
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Atestat, Swidoctwo Pro Zakinchennia Uchylyshcha/Matriculation School Certificate, Vocational School Leaving Certificate
Vocational : Vocational Secondary School (Technikum)
Length of program:5
Age level from:15
Age level to:20
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Atestat, Diplom Technika/Matriculation School Certificate, Professional Secondary School Leaving Diploma, Junior Specialist
All children aged between 6 and 15 years of age attend nine-year compulsory school. Options after comprehensive school are upper secondary school or vocational education. Upper secondary school: 3-year general school leading to the Matriculation Examination, giving successful students access to university and other higher education schools. The present vocational education system covers both general secondary and vocational programmes, with separate tracks for comprehensive school leavers and matriculated students. The system is in the process of being reformed.
Higher Education System
Higher education in Ukraine is managed by the Ministry of Education which coordinates the activities of higher schools and supervises those which are under other ministries. The Education system is being reformed. The former system had only one stage of undergraduate studies, the degree of "Specialist", awarded after 5 years of study. The new system comprises two stages: undergraduate and graduate, with several degree levels.
Law on Higher Education (2014)
Description:Higher education
Ukrainian, Russian, English
Non-university level
Description:Since 1992, the whole system of Ukrainian postsecondary education is considered "higher education".
University level first stage : Junior Specialist/Bakalavr, Bakalavr
Description:Programmes leading to Junior Specialist awards are provided for a period of 2-3 years on the basis of complete general secondary education including obtaining complete general secondary education. The study programme must be completed with a final state examination. Graduates receive Diploma of Junior Specialist (Dyplom molodshogo Spetsialista). According to the new law on Higher Education (2014) junior bakalavr degree (molodshiy bakalavr) is intoduced instead of Junior specialist degree. However, until the end of 2016 educational institutions are allowed to enroll students to study at the junior specialist degree course. The entry requirement to a Bachelor programme is a certificate of completed general secondary education. The programme leading to the Bachelor award generally lasts 3-4 years, but may be 1-2 years shorter in case of entry on the basis of Junior Specialist or Junior Bakalavr award in a given or related field of study or specialty. Studies must be completed with a final state examination.
University level second stage : Specialist, Magistr
Description:Specialist programmes generally last for 1 to 1,5 years. From September 2014, Specialist degrees are to become Master degrees. However, until the end of 2016 educational institutions are allowed to enroll students to study at the specialist degree level.The Magistr (Master's degree) is awarded on the basis of a Bachelor's degree or Specialist's qualification in generally one to two years after the first degree. Students must pass a final state examination and defend a Master's thesis. Graduates receive a degree of Master (Dyplom Magistr).
University level third stage : Doctor degree-1 (Kandidat Nauk/Doktor Filosofii)
Description:Ukraine keeps a two degree system at doctoral level: the Kandydat nauk (Candidate of Sciences, comparable to the Ph.D) which became the Doktor Filisofii in September 2014 and the Doktor Nauk. The first qualification is obtained after three or four years of study by submitting and publicly defending a thesis and passing the required examinations. The candidate's thesis can be prepared while following various forms of post-graduate studies.
University level fourth stage : Doctor degree-2 (Doctor Nauk)
Description:The "Doctor nauk" is the highest scientific degree in Ukraine, which is achieved by postdoctoral research following the award of the Candidate of Science degree, usually through a research appointment in HEIs or research institutes taken up for 3 years (Doktorantura). It requires research in a specialist subject which must make an essential contribution to a given field, or branch of learning, and has to be published entirely, or, at least, its main parts.
There are no special forms of training for higher education teachers. They are recruited among university graduates who hold a Magister or Kandidat nauk degree and have followed special education courses through various types of assistance.
A network of correspondence and evening courses is intended for persons who are already employed. Candidates for such courses must not only pass an entrance examination, but also prove they effectively worked for a certain time.
Erasmus Mundus
Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate
Minimum mark:satisfactory
Requirement for:all institutions of higher education
Independent external testing (EIT) subject to the HEI, creative contests or qualification tests.
Specific ability requirements are set for artistic studies, physical education and architectural preservation studies.
Physical and mental predisposition of candidates to work in a certain professional field must first be ascertained.
Definition:A person not having Ukrainian citizenship.
Admission Requirements:Students must hold a secondary school leaving certificate giving access to higher education.
Health:Candidates seeking admission to higher studies should submit a health certificate.
Language Proficiency:Students must be proficient in Ukrainian or Russian. A 9- to 10-month course is offered in each university or institution.They then sit for an examination which gives entry to the institution.Entry Regulations:A student visa is necessary. Students must be officially admitted by the Rector of the chosen institution.Application to Individual Institution:YesApplication to Central Body:Yes
Recognition of Studies
Decisions on recognition are made by HEIs based on conclusions given by the ENIC Centre of Ukraine.
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:Applicants must submit complete official academic documents to ENIC UKRAINE, the national information center of academic mobility or to the specific institution.
For Access to University Level Studies:Applicants must submit complete official academic documents to ENIC UKRAINE, the national information center of academic mobility or to the higher education institution.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:Applicants must submit complete official documents together with their application form to the university or the research institute.
For the Exercise of a Profession:Applicants must present relevant documents to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Vice-Rectors for International Affairs.
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Average Living Costs:1000
National Students - Min Tuition Fees:0 Hryvna
National Students - Max Tuition Fees:12000 Hryvna
Foreign Students - Min Tuition Fees:250 US Dollar
Foreign Students - Max Tuition Fees:3500 US Dollar
Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate
Description:Certificate awarded after 12 years of schooling and giving access to higher education.
Dyplom Molodshogo bakalavra
Description:According to new law on Higher education (2014) the Molodshiy bakalavr is awarded instead of the Molodshiy Spetsialist.
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytet (University)
Akademia (Academy)
Dyplom Bakalavra
Description:The academic and professional diploma of Bakalavr (BA, BEd., BMed.) is generally awarded after three to four years of successful study after the Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate (or six years for Medicine). The Bakalavr programme comprises basic higher education and professional training in a given field. It is an intermediate degree between Junior Specialist (or Junior Bachelor according to Law on Higher Education 2014) or Master.
Credential required for entry:Atestat/Matriculation School Certificate
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytet (University)
Akademia (Academy)
Konservatoria (Conservatoire)
Dyplom Spetsialista
Description:The Specialist diploma is awarded after one to one-and-a-half years' study. According to the new law on Higher Education (2014), from 6 September 2014, Specialist diplomas are equivalent to Magister diplomas.
Credential required for entry:Dyplom Molodshogo bakalavra
Dyplom Bakalavra
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytet (University)
Akademia (Academy)
Instytut (Institute)
Dyplom Magistra
Description:The Magister diploma is awarded on the basis of a Bakalavr diploma or specialist's qualification generally one to two years after the first degree. Students must pass final examinations and defend a thesis. It is mainly awarded by universities and academies. According to a new law on Higher Education (2014), from September 2014 a Magister diploma will be equivalent to a specialist diploma.
Credential required for entry:Dyplom Bakalavra
Dyplom Spetsialista
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytet (University)
Akademia (Academy)
Certificate of Doctor-Specialist
Description:A one and a half to two- year professional programme for medical graduates leading to the award of a specialization certificate (Doctor-Specialist)
Dyplom Doktora Filosofii
Description:The Doktor Filosofii has been introduced by the new law on Higher Education (2014) and replaces the Kandidat Nauk (Candidate of Science).
Credential required for entry:Dyplom Spetsialista
Dyplom Magistra
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytet (University)
Akademia (Academy)
Dyplom Doktora Nauk
Description:The advanced degree of Doctor of Science is the highest academic degree awarded in Ukraine. It is conferred by a specialized scientific council after public defence of an habilitation dissertation representing a major contribution to the development of a given field. It takes between 3 and 6 years of research work.
Credential required for entry:Dyplom Doktora Filosofii
Type of institution where credential is offered:Uniwersytet (University)
Akademia (Academy)
Data Provided by
IAU from ENIC Centre, Kyiv, 2014. Bodies, 2017.
Updated on 26-03-2015