The European Education Directory

Humber College

Address 205 Humber College Blvd., Toronto, Ontario M9W 5L7, Canada
Admission tel. No. (+1) 416 675 5067
Admission fax No. (+1) 416 675 6386
Admission E-mail address
Contact for application Ms Morag Tierney
Total No. of students 12500
Course titles
Agricultural Business And Production, Architecture And Related Programs, Marketing Ops./Marketing & Distrib. Educational/Instruc. Media Tech./Technician, Computer and Information Sciences, Personal And Miscellaneous Services, Education, Engineering, Engineering-Rel. Technol./Technician, Vocational Home Economics, Law And Legal Studies, Lib. Art & Sci., Gen. Stud. & Human., Oth. Biological Sciences/Life Sciences, Parks, Rec., Leisure, & Fitness Stud., Science Technol./Technicians, Protective Services, Public Administration and Services, Social Sciences and History, Construction Trades, Precision Production Trades, Transport. & Materials Moving Workers, Visual And Performing Arts, Health Professions & Related Sci. Business Mgmt & Admin. Services
Undergraduate and Graduate TOEFL Graduate: 550; Post-graduate: 580

About Humber College

Located in the city of Toronto, Humber College is one of Canada's largest and most progressive colleges. At Humber, we understand the unique needs of international students. That's why we offer a range of special services to help you achieve academic excellence. We are committed to preparing you for a rewarding career.

We know it's not easy to leave your home to study in a new country. To help you adjust to the many changes, we have developed a variety of services for international students, including: airport pick-up for students living in residence; an orientation to Toronto and Humber that includes walking tours of the city and our campus; peer tutors if you should need additional help with your studies; an opportunity to be matched with a senior student who can provide friendly advice on many issues; e-mail addresses for easy overseas correspondence; health insurance; counseling services; an intercultural office; and an international student association

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